Be Seen, Known, and Trusted. (Part 1)

As you know, the average person sees ≈ 7,000 ads per day! If your brand goes unseen in the midst of this swarm of other advertisers, you are missing out on opportunities to serve people you will never meet.

The good news? We want to help you succeed!

So over the next two weeks, we’re going to explore some practical ways for you to be seen, known, and trusted so you can reach more and more people with your life-changing solutions.

This week, we’ll focus on the first part— how to make sure you’re being seen.


Okay. While you might not need to be liked or even praised, your brand doesn’t stand a chance if it goes unseen… So would you agree videos are the best way to get your brand seen?

Anecdotally, let’s try an experiment: honestly, think back to the last 3 things you saw online that you felt so compelled to share you actually passed them along to someone else… Chances are, among your most recent shares was video content of some kind.

Studies show people are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content, including social media posts, blog posts/articles, and product pages.

Here’s another example to illustrate the importance of using videos in your marketing strategy:

Did you know? YouTube is the world’s second most visited website. Yes. You read that right— only Google itself ranks higher. And let’s be honest, these days we need Google search about as much as air and water. So that says something.

If you want your brand to be seen, hands-down videos are the best way to do it.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you: even the best videos (alone) aren’t enough to ensure your brand is seen… “Wait. What? Aren’t you the video guys? What do you mean videos alone aren’t enough?!”

We’re so glad you asked!

TIP #2: Distribute your videos.

Now there’s a guy who knows how to do Tip #2 right!

He knew it wasn’t enough to make a video. He had to have a plan for how to get his video seen by his fiancé. And boy, did he!

Strategic distribution is a critical element of being seen. So what are some easy ways you can do it?

Let’s look at it in two ways: 1. Interruption or 2. Get Searched For.

1. Interruption — Example: Facebook.

Interrupting your audience only sounds bad. It’s an effective strategy to get your brand seen! Don’t forget: if your solution actually solves a pain your audience is suffering from, you owe it to them to let them know! (Dive deeper into this concept if the idea of selling yourself feels “icky.”)

The most obvious (free!) example of the interruption strategy is on social media.

Facebook, like most social media platforms, incentivizes content that lives on their site natively. So what that means is, you’ll get more views and better engagement if you upload your video to Facebook rather than copying and pasting an outbound link to a different website. (This same basic premise is true for whichever social media platform you’re using).

For more information on how to do this, check out our in-depth tutorial here:
Why (and how) to upload a video to Facebook.

The result is clear— look at the two images below for comparison:
Which one would you find more interesting to click on?

be seen blog.JPG

2. Get Searched For — Example: YouTube.

When it comes to social media, a few platforms probably come to mind: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. But here’s the thing: Did you know? YouTube is the second most-used social platform (behind Facebook). Let that sink in for a bit.

When it comes to your marketing efforts, don’t neglect your YouTube channel! Creating bite-sized content like “How-To’s.” or “Ways-to-Avoid.” (think: clickbaity headlines) can be a great way to attract interested people to your brand.

The best part? In this scenario, your exact perfect audience is actively searching for you!

Forget social media altogether— videos can drive 157% more organic traffic from search enginesWho doesn’t want more people on their websites?

The takeaway? If you aren’t making videos, you should be! But don’t just stop at making a video: Think strategically about where you can place your video content, so you get seen by a growing audience of the right people.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to reaching more and more people with the life-changing solutions you provide.

Next time, we’ll continue this series with tips on how, once you’re seen, to capitalize so your brand becomes known and trusted. We’ll see you then!

Fiat Lux! (Let There Be Light!)