Be Seen, Known, and Trusted. (Part 2)

In our last post, we shared some tips to help your brand experience the kind of visibility that will turn your video viewers into customers.

(If you missed it, be sure to go back and read it here first.)

Because here’s the kicker: even if people have seen your brand or have heard of it, do they know who you are, what you offer, and how they can buy it?

Do they recognize, and more importantly, prefer your brand to a competitor in your industry?

Would they enthusiastically recommend your service and products to their friends and family?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then these tips are for you!

Let’s dive in.

TIP #1: CREATE A powerful MESSAGE that resonates.

To be known, you have to create a powerful message that hits your audience right between the eyes. Because here’s the problem: You only have about 50 milliseconds (translation: 0.05 seconds) to hook your audience before they bounce from your website.

To hook them, however, you only need to answer a couple of critical questions:

1. What is [insert your product or service here], and how will it make my life better?

2. How can I buy it?

If you can’t answer these questions in a matter of split-seconds, the truth is your audience will leave and keep looking for another brand that can— even if your brand is better!

As tempting as it is to talk about how awesome you are (and we know you are!), the fact is— most people don’t care. They are looking for a brand that addresses the problems they are facing, and more importantly, that solves them. That’s what awesome means to them.

That’s why we’ve created a proven video marketing process that is strategic and designed to drive value for your organization. When we sit down to create a video for your brand we start by helping you create a Brand Story that will powerfully resonate with your audience. (We can even help you distill that new, powerful message down into a One-Liner, like an “elevator pitch.”) Because that way, your video will communicate your powerful message and nail it every. single. time.

Schedule a 15-Minute Discovery Meeting with us to learn more about how we can help.

If you want to write your brand’s One-Liner on your own, here’s a video that walks you through it:


Once you’ve created a relevant message the next step is to repeat, repeat, repeat.

Here’s an example of a company that does this extremely well. In fact, I’d be willing to bet you can finish this sentence: “15 minutes can save you… “


See what I mean? Geico has literally branded their advertising message into your brain! You know their slogan by heart because they repeat it in every advertisement.

Is it annoying? Sure! But there’s no denying it— everyone knows exactly what Geico offers, how it can help them, and how they can buy it.

In the simplest terms, this is what marketing is: memorization. The more you repeat your message consistently over and over, the more your customers will remember you.

There is power in repetition because it keeps your brand top-of-mind. Your customer might not be ready to buy from you right now, but you want to be the first brand that comes to mind for them when they are ready.

In fact, studies have shown that people need to see a message at least seven times before it really sinks in.

Girl On Phone.jpg

So there you have it!

Equipped with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to reaching more and more people with your life-changing solutions.

Fiat Lux! (Let There Be Light)